BBQ Grill Mats Nonstick Barbecue Grilling Accessories 40cmx33cm Copper Tone($12.99Value)


BBQ Grill Mats Nonstick Barbecue Grilling Accessories 40cmx33cm Copper Tone($12.99Value)


Made from PTFE. Recommended with temperatures up to 500 F. Keeps your food from falling. Easy to clean. Grill Mat Mesh is dishwasher safe. Perfect for chicken, fish, shrimp, vegetables. Description: Mats made from PTFE. Keeps your food from falling.

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Color Gold
Size 0.01 In. L X 0.01 In. W X 0.01 In. H
Gtin 00723115844030
Mpn S22110200ux2360
Condition New