24seven Comfort Apparel Women's Knee Length Elastic Waist Pencil Skirt - Mocha($49.00Value)


24seven Comfort Apparel Women's Knee Length Elastic Waist Pencil Skirt - Mocha($49.00Value)


The 24seven Comfort Apparel solid color pencil skirt is a must have for any women's wardrobe. This versatile skirt is perfect for creating a dressy or professional look, and its made with comfortable stretch material that will keep you feeling great all day long.

More Information

Color Mocha
Size Large
Gtin 196719319882
Size_type Regular
Item_group_id 16037399
Age_group Adult
Condition NEW
Gender Female
Sku 196719319882USA
Material Rayon, Spandex
Product_category Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Skirts
Promotion_id 19944246,19944247
Shipping US:::10.95
Sale_price 36.75
Sale_price_effective_date 2025-02-25T00:00:00Z/2025-03-03T23:59:59Z